Great website
I’m wondering though, you guys have a world of experience and expertise, why not “sell” that? I would consider a small fee as a consultation for you to provide me with the best options given my spending habits, much like my financial advisor. He sees my spending, my income, etc and gives me options for moving forward with investing etc
I could provide you with income, monthly grocery/telco/utility/overseas spend; regions/countries most frequently travelled to/frequency of travel annually both domestic and international and you could provide me with options for the best credit cards, points plans and points earning strategy
You wouldn’t be providing financial advice more than what is included on your website. But as a time poor professional who also wants to maximise his points earning potential, it could be hugely beneficial to me to save the time sorting all that out. A lot of friends in the same profession as me (long hours, minimal flexibility with schedule) say the same about earning points “too complicated, I don’t have time to sort it out”
Just an idea