Qantas in conjunction with mastercard just offered 500 points to link my Mastercard to the QF Mastercard offers program. Sounds good bonus points free and offers earning extra points.
But my Mastercard, Westpac Alitude Black is NOT linked to the QF points program.
So how does this work? Do I get both QF FF points plus Westpac Altitude points on transactions featured in the “offers” program? Or does my card get swapped to the QF FF points program?
No explanation in the QF email, does anyone know how it works? Pros and cons and catches?
Yes, it sounds like you get additional Qantas points on top of credit card earned points.
Sounds like a good deal but I would like to know that my bank of Altitude points is not going to suddenly be turned into QF FF points.
Sounds good. Thanks.
Sounds good. Thanks.