How frequently does signup bonus for American Express Essential card come up?

Hi all,

Firstly I’m new to the world of frequent flyer/membership rewards and want to say how incredibly informative and detailed this site is - kudos to all involved.

As a taster I’m looking to get an American Express Essential credit card, but wondering if it’s worth waiting to see if any signup bonus points could be in the offering…I see from another post it looks like the last time this happened was in November 2018. Do these bonus points come up often, or is it a case of how long is a piece of string?

Thanks in advance,

There are often offers popping up every few months.keep in mind you are only allowed one sign up bonus as long as you hold a AMEX card now or within past 18 months so you’d ideally want to get the most bonus points with a better card that offers 60 to 100k bonuses.

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