Getting a rewards credit card for the first time - Any advice?

Hey all,

Just about to open up and apply for my first credit card or rewards card.

I operate as a sole contractor and income is about $200~$230k AUD per year.

I am with commbank but from what I have gathered their credit cards arent the best and usually its westpac or ANZ that seems to be the go-to

Which cards do you guys recommend? I also hear the Amex platinum edge is okay but rewards systems with Amex is dying out?

Hi @ekook95

Welcome to the wonderful world of point hacking!

Unfortunately the one thing we’re not allowed to do here is give you personal financial advice. Only a qualified and registered financial advisor can do that. Have a look at the “Credit Cards” section of this website and, with the help of a financial advisor if necessary, decide for yourself which card is best for you.

I’d be interested to know what you mean when you say that the AmEx Membership Rewards programme is “dying out”. I haven’t heard anything like that. My personal opinion is that AmEx Membership Rewards is one of the best flexible rewards programmes out there. But again, only you can decide what card is best for you.