I saw you’ve flown around the world with your kids quite a bit, wanted to ask if you had been on Qantas in business or first internationally with a lap child - is there a bassinet seat in the a380 or 747? Hard to tell from the seat maps. And how did it go?
Thank for your help and continued tips!
July 19, 2016, 3:37am
Maybe this question is targeted to Keith or other parents but here is my 2 cents’ worth.
These below show that there are usually bassinets in most classes of the aircraft/airlines you are after.
For your next Qantas flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .
For your next Qantas flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .
For your next Qantas flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .
Someone else or QFF help line can confirm.
Thank you - the only one I can’t see the bassinet symbol for is the a380 business class. I wonder if it is just left off the map by accident.
Yes I have used business class bassinet on A380 they are at the front left and right corners of business class.