Just wondering if there are any personal credit cards out there that allow you to earn points through a “generic” rewards system, which then let you transfer those points into Qantas FF? From all of the research I’ve done, it’s “no”… but I thought I’d double check.
There is a business credit card (through Westpac Altitude Rewards) that can do this transfer, but that doesn’t help those of us without an ABN, and who have no “business investment” spending.
A workaround could be to look at particular cards that let you “flip-flop” between the generic points and Qantas FF once or twice a year.
Anyone have any thoughts/advice here?
Thanks in advance!
The Amex Platinum charge card lets you do that, but it comes with a hefty annual fee (albeit probably worth it in the first year for the 120k point sign on bonus).\r\n\r\nIf you want a cc with flexible points for Qantas redemptions, you could go for a card that allows transfers to Cathay or Malaysia, both of whom are partners with Qantas and can book award seats with a similar number of points. Amex Membership Rewards points transfer to both Cathay and Malaysia, not sure of any others that do.\r\n\r\nThe only caveat is if you’re collect Qantas points for Jetstar or Emirates redemptions. Qantas is the only airline as far as I’m aware that has access to Jetstar award seats. For Emirates, you can transfer Amex Membership Rewards points directly to Emirates (at a lousy 4:3 ratio), but Emirates redemption rates are generally higher even than those of Qantas.
Thanks for the comment!\r\nI wasn’t aware that these “charge” card (American Express - /au/credit-cards/:cardslug) things even existed… it’s actually not a bad system, because that’s exactly how I use my credit card anyway. However, the $1,200 annual fee is a bit too much. :)\r\nThe only card I know of that does Malaysian and Cathay (AirMiles, right?) is the Westpac Altitude range (See https://altituderewards.com.au/public/info.aspx?name=frequent_flyer_info). The ratios are OK, but not great.\r\nHowever, my better half isn’t too keen on the idea of using AMEX, so that may not be my best option either.
Amex also do a range of credit cards, many of which also earn Membership Rewards points. The Platinum Edge is probably the best all round value card.
I’m aiming to take advantage of the no annual fee on the Citi Qantas Signature for now (which should earn me a bunch of QFF points too), which I’ll swap to the Citi Rewards program later this year. Hopefully they’ll waive the annual fee as I’ll put everything through it.\r\nAs mentioned above, my wife isn’t keen on the AMEX, so Altitude is out, and even the Platinum Edge (although it seems like pretty good value with the free flight each year) wouldn’t be worth it for us.\r\nI’ll re-evaluate in a year I guess.
OK, answering my own question: yes and no.
- Yes - the AMEX Platinum Charge Card allows you to transfer the membership rewards points to 10 airline rewards programs, including Qantas.
- No - The Platinum Charge Card has a $1,200 annual fee and applicants must have a gross income of $100k or more. So, not within reach for many of us!
As suggested by
thelongroad in the comments above, one workaround is to look for cards that can transfer points to Cathay or Malaysian, which both allow you to redeem Qantas seats within their programs. This includes
Westpac Altitude cards and the
Platinum Edge Credit Card. Generally, you won't ever get near the 1QFF per $1 earned by some of the Qantas-branded credit cards, though.
Another workaround is to get a card such as the Citi Signature or Prestige which can be switched between Qantas points or Citi Rewards points. There may be limits to the number of times you can do this, and the Citi Rewards points need to be used or transferred out before switching to Qantas or they will be lost (switching back is fine after the points have been swept to the Qantas program).
The only other option is to look at business-spending cards.