Amex Qantas Travel Credit - can I use it in conjunction with redeeming QFF points?


Newbie here. If amex gives me $450 travel credit to use on any qantas domestic or international flights, can I use it in conjunction with redeeming QFF points ie points + pay?
Or is this not plausible because you have to book it through amex travel site?
I assume you are allowed to use that credit under someone else’s name too?

Thank you.


I suspect you would need to use your Travel Credit in Amex just as an offset/savings on Qantas flights. E.g. flight costs $1000 and you end up paying $550 after applying TCredit.

With normal Amex Travel Credit, you can use it for others. I suspect the same with Amex Qantas.

I suspect Point Hacks would be coming up with an update to address the change to Amex Qantas Travel Credit not too long into the future.

Too many suspicions here :). If others know more, please elaborate. Cheers.

Thank you for the response.

Can I book Qantas flight through amex travel using the travel credit and once the ticket is confirmed, I can log onto Qantas website to upgrade the flight at a later time?

My wife has the travel credit too, can we use our travel credit together or does it have to be individually booked? Was thinking if combined is allowed, the leftover travel credit could get us one or two nights in a hotel as well.