Hoping for some advice on a credit card and frequent flyer program to sign up to.
- My partner and I have recently moved to Perth, AUS yet wish to fly home regularly to Melbourne.
- We currently bank with a small Victorian bank that is not associated with any programs.
- We do not have any bank, frequent flyer or airline preferences. Best price / deal wins for us!
- We are looking for a credit card / frequent flyer program that we can primarily use to fly home to Melbourne a number of times a year. The occasional FREE domestic flight would obviously be nice!
- We do not mind paying an annual fee if the benefits of the card outweigh the costs.
- We are a bit overwhelmed with the number of cards available and which would best suit us.
- We intend to use the credit card as our daily user which will then be paid off come pay day each fortnight so interest rates don’t bother us.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!