Which would you pick - 40 hours travelling in Business vs 23 hours Economy?

For those that do lots of travelling, whats your opinion/preference of the following travel options:

Syd to Denver in business class (qatar airways) for a total travel time of 40 hours (including layovers - 2 stops) for 174k points + $950 tax (I can change the ratio as i have more than enough points)


Sydney to Denver direct (1 stop in LA) in economy class (can go through qantas or virgin booking) for total of 23 hours flight time and approx 60,000 points and $200 tax.

Its only going to be a 10 day trip (including travel time) for business. I havent looked at return flights as availablity seems to be limited by the carriers. Im leaning towards economy flight due to efficiency but theres the possibility of qsuite with Qatar airways, which sounds enticing. Im 177cm tall and average build, so i dont need extra legroom, however the ability to sleep in business class is pretty valuable.

Hello and welcome @bilsy !

I’ve done some marathon long-haul flying over the past few years and I can say with some confidence that you’ll arrive feeling more refreshed and able to get going with your agenda after 40 hours in business than after 23 hours in economy. I’d almost say that you should add 12-hours or so “recovery” time to your economy trip, which you probably wouldn’t need after your business flight.

On the other hand the arguments for travelling in economy are strong. It’s a hellava lot cheaper (both in points and money) and if you only have 10 days, it feels like you should absolutely maximise your time on the ground at your destination.

If you’ll be arriving in the afternoon or evening, with a night in a good bed before your first event, it might be OK to fly economy. If you are arriving in the morning and/or need to be fresh as soon as you step off the plane, possibly that’s an argument in favour of business. I’m also in my 50s and I do feel that my days of flying long-haul economy are (hopefully) behind me. If you’re younger, you may find economy more bearable than I do.

But really it’s a matter of personal preference. Please let us know what you decide!


Yep… what @sixtyeight said! :+1:
I tend to view the longer premium cabin flights as just an extended luxury experience which includes the lounge access with showers, food and sleep pods/quiet rooms. Well worth it to arrive fresh and relaxed - not to mention the comfort factor while in flight.

Your mileage may vary though… a very personal decision. It’s a nice dilema to find oneself in! :thinking:
First world problems! hehehe :upside_down_face:
Best of luck!