I'm keen to get an Amex card however is low Amex acceptance a concern?

Hi all! Newbie here!

I am keen to apply for the Qantas American Express Card, but have read that AMEX is not widely accepted here in Australia… There are still certain places that don’t accept it - we plan to use this card as our everyday ‘cash’ card. I am also looking at the card where you pay $450 a year and get the $450 back in credit travel. I am just concerned that Amex is not as popular as Mastercard or Visa …
Your thoughts for a newbie please?!

Hi @jools_32

It’s definitely worth getting an AmEx card. The sign-up bonuses can be great, and if your spending patterns are anything like mine, it’s accepted more often than not. All the big stores accept it and a lot of the small ones too. Yes, you’ll need a Mastercard or Visa as a back-up, but that’s not exactly a major inconvenience.

I should also mention the new Sniip app (which I’m sure PointHacks will do an article on sooner or later). It enables you to pay bills by AmEx (and earn reward points) even if the biller doesn’t accept AmEx.

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Hi sixtyeight, you’re right in that we have already written a guide to Sniip which is currently in the approval process before publishing, due to it being related to financial matters.

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