How to use Velocity points to fly from Sydney to London?

Hi Everyone,

Very much enjoy reading all the topics and discussions posted on this form.

Just seeking some advice on my best options to use velocity points to fly business class to London from Sydney. Have done a lot of research myself. However with this form being such a great wealth of knowledge, would very much appreciate other peoples great ideas and thoughts.

Thanks everyone.

Hi @luke.cahill

Glad you’ve found this community helpful!

With Velocity points your current options are Singapore Airlines and Etihad. There are a couple of other enticing options on the horizon (Qatar, ANA) but they’re not here yet.

If you’re wanting to book soon, beggars can’t be choosers. Take whatever’s available in the knowledge that you can’t really go wrong.

If you do find yourself in the enviable position of having options, I’d choose Singapore Airlines – if nothing else, because their carrier surcharges are way lower.

If you can’t find flights to London (or from Sydney), remember that number one saying of finding reward flights (which I’ve just made up): “Flexible point hackers are happy point hackers”. Look for flights out of Melbourne and Brisbane, and into Manchester, Amsterdam, Paris … even Frankfurt or Munich.

I’d be really interested to hear how you go!


I’m doing Business Class to London next month using Velocity Points. I originally had Etihad flights, but then when an opportunity suddenly came up to change to Singapore Airlines, I switched.

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