How often does Qantas Insurance run health insurance sign-on bonus points promotions?

Hi all,
I’ve just noticed that Qantas Insurance currently have a double sign-on bonus points promotion for health insurance going at the moment. However, I am currently abroad studying, and do not return to Australia until late January.

I know that these promotions are somewhat regular with Qantas Insurance, however I’m not sure HOW regular they are. I could not find any “tracking” of these promotions on the Point Hacks page about Qantas Insurance.

If it is every couple of months, then I need not worry about it right now, and I can do it again in January.

However, if it is less regular than this, then I suppose I could contact Q Insurance and see if I can get signed up this month, but with a starting date of when I do return to Australia?


I find they do it very regularly- every three or so months I find. The best one I have seen (and which I ultimately signed up for) was 110,000 Qantas points with waiting periods waived for 3/6 months for top hospital and basic extras.

Do your research though- if your plan is just to sign up, serve waiting periods for points and then cancel- that’s one thing (that’s what I did) but if you want it long term it is one of the more expensive products on the market.

Thanks for your reply!

Last time I was a member, I signed up for top hospital/extras. After serving the two months required to receive the bonus points, I then downgraded my cover to what better suited my needs.

I find the lower level of cover is somewhat competitively priced, however I will need to do my research, as you said, and see what works best for me overall. I believe Qantas Insure had a very low (comparatively) increase in price in April.

I called Qantas Insurance about my questions and they said that you can only sign up 21 days prior to start of cover, so I will reevaluate again closer to my arrival date back home.

There is a 6 month wait between cancelling and being able to sign on again with a new bonus. There is potential to bounce around maximising points, similar to switching credit cards after serving the ‘waiting period’.
