How early can I drop off baggage when flying international business class on Qantas from Melbourne?

Hi we are flying BC on QF93 MEL - LAX in August. I am aware that I can log-in 24 prior to flight time.

My question, is how early can we drop off checked bags, pass through security and go airside, and into Qantas BC lounge?

Thanking you in anticipation.

:slight_smile: :

IIRC, the counters open at around 5:30am.

While Qantas in Sydney has all-day international check-in, Melbourne does not, unfortunately. You should be able to drop bags from 3 hrs prior to departure.

Well, I just got turned away by Qantas check-in staff in Sydney for being too early, same day as flight. Told to come back 4 hours before the flight.

Unfortunately, some time earlier this year, Qantas did start applying a check-in time limit at Sydney International.

Looks like I dodged that bullet. Travelling First was likely the difference.

Forgot to add. QF 81 Sydney to Singapore on Sat 28/10/23. I dropped bags off at the manual counter at 600am and they had to open the flight, but wasn’t an issue for them. I was nearly 7 hours prior to departure - wanted to spend plenty of time in the Lounge. I think First was the key.