Do Oneworld RTW Itinerary flights have their own baggage limits or is it based on Qantas limits?

Hi we are booked on a Oneworld RTW Qantas Frequent Flyer Classic Reward Business Class - I understand that baggage limits for the complete itinerary are based on Qantas limits. There are several airlines in our itinerary, Qantas, AA, RAM, and JAL and there are variations in baggage limits between the airlines.
Am I correct to adopt th Qantas limits for all flights with all airlines on the itinerary?
Thanks in advance

I’ve always found the local weight limit for business class applies - but that was a few years ago (i.e JAL may have 30kgs)

It should still be more than generous enough!!

Thanks Russ. Great resource this site :slight_smile:

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